Uniforms: U6 players will receive a team T-shirt and black shorts , players U8-HS, will be receive a jersey and black shorts. Soccer socks are to be black and long enough to cover the shin guards; these are not provided by Winfield Soccer.
Coaches will be issued balls for practice however it its always a good idea to bring your own to each practice. Below is a list of appropriate ball sizes for each age division:
U06 - Size 3
U08 - Size 3
U10 - Size 4
U12 - Size 4
U15 - Size 5
High School - Size 5
Referees will conduct equipment inspections prior to each game to check for safety and proper personal equipment. Please ensure the following is adhered to:
Shin Guards
Must be worn during all practices and games. Shin guards must be fully covered by the sock. Here are some examples of acceptable shin guards.
We do not require that cleats be worn. But, if they are worn the must not have a front cleat or cleats. Front cleats, like on baseball/softball shoes are very dangerous on a soccer field.
Below are examples of acceptable cleats for soccer. Please note the cleats below do not have the front toe cleat
Below are examples of unacceptable cleats for soccer. Please note the cleats below do have the front toe cleat. If a player is wearing these types of cleats, they will not be allowed to play in games
No jewelry of any kind is to be worn during games or practices. The referees will inspect players before games and ask a player to remove the jewelry. Under no circumstances are the referees allowied to let players tape over earrings. Earrings must be removed. Necklaces, bracelets, including rubber ones, will also need to be removed. Plastic hair clips and bands will also need to be removed.
The only exception to this rule is for MedicAlert Bracelets, which will need to be covered over
Sweat bands and soft hair bands are allowed.